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Embrace Sustainability: Actionable Steps to Protect Our Planet

Illustration of multiple hands of different skin colors holding planet earth adorned with flowers and butterflies
Sustainability is everyone’s responsibility. Image source:

Cheers, everyone! Last week, some fortunate parts of the world were treated to the awe-inspiring sight of a solar eclipse, and I had the privilege of experiencing my first partial solar eclipse. This event prompted me to ponder our remarkable planet, Earth. With Earth Day fast approaching on April 22nd, it’s the perfect time to rally together and take meaningful action to safeguard our beloved home for present and future generations. Each of us holds the power to enact real change through everyday actions, choices, and advocacy efforts.

So, in this GFL edition, let’s not just talk about it; let’s embark on a journey of actionable steps to protect our planet. I understand that embracing a sustainable lifestyle can feel daunting, but every small step towards eco-conscious living has a ripple effect that contributes to a larger movement for positive change. It all begins with awareness of our impact on the environment and a willingness to adapt our behaviors accordingly. 

Illustration of 3 circular arrows symbolizing actions to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
3 R’s: Actionable Steps to Sustainability. Image source:

The Power of the 3 R’s

Let’s kick things off with the mantra of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” First introduced in 1970, this isn’t just a catchy phrase–it’s a call to arms in the battle against waste and pollution. This lifestyle ethos urges us to minimize waste, repurpose materials, and recycle to help conserve resources, minimize pollution, and reduce the accumulation of waste in landfills, oceans, and shorelines. But let’s be real: we’re facing a plastic waste challenge of epic proportions. In our oceans, a staggering 165 million tons of plastic debris floats, while 1.5 million tons perilously remain close to shorelines. Landfills groan under the weight of plastic that might take up to 500 years to decompose leaking harmful pollutants into the soil and water.

In the past, we’ve focused more on recycling. It’s time to shift our focus from merely recycling to prioritizing waste prevention and reuse. Recycling, though valuable, requires enormous energy and resources, leaving behind a substantial waste footprint. We must embrace a culture of waste reduction and reuse to usher in a new era of sustainability. 

What’s Your Superpower?

Reduce and Reuse are your superpowers in the fight against plastic waste. By simply bringing your own shopping bags, opting for reusable alternatives, and saying no to single-use plastics, you can make a tangible impact. Every plastic bag reused; every toy purchased second-hand–these seemingly small actions collectively wield immense power in shaping a more sustainable future.

Conserve Energy

Illustration of 3 circular arrows with an energy efficient lightbulb in the center with the caption "save energy."
Conserve power by using energy efficient light bulbs. Image source:

Now, let’s talk about energy conservation. It’s time to become energy warriors and make a real impact. Whether it’s flipping the switch on unnecessary lights, upgrading to energy-efficient LED bulbs and appliances, or embracing sustainable transportation options like carpooling, public transport, walking, or biking, every energy-saving move counts. And, hey, if you’re in the market for a new ride, why not consider an electric vehicle (EV)? Not only are they super cool, but they also cut down on greenhouse gas emissions, helping us breathe cleaner air and drive towards a more sustainable tomorrow. 

Graph depicting electric cars cut green house emissions drastically in Europe, USA, China, and India between 2020-2030
The environmental impact of EV is promising. Image source:

Vote with Your Wallet

Your purchasing decisions hold immense power. By supporting companies that prioritize sustainability, ethical sourcing, and environmental responsibility, you send a clear message that sustainability sells. Sustainable companies display certification labels such as “eco-friendly,” “fair trade,” etc. Let’s use our consumer clout to drive positive change throughout the supply chains and push for a greener, more sustainable marketplace. 

Be the Voice of Change

Yet, our journey toward sustainability does not end with personal actions–it extends to the realm of advocacy and community engagement. Whether through grassroots activism, raising awareness, and supporting environmental organizations, we can drive policy changes and foster a culture of sustainability within our communities and beyond. Below is a list of solid organizations with a proven track record to support.

  • Environmental Defense Fund. Based in the United States, they engage in policy advocacy and research.
  • The Natural Conservancy. This global organization collaborates with governments, businesses, and communities to drive policy changes to conserve lands, and waters, protect biodiversity, and address climate change. 
  • Environmental Working Group. This American organization provides research on toxic chemicals, consumer products, and food safety, influencing policy decisions.
  • Greenpeace USA. They work to protect the planet by addressing issues like climate change, deforestation, and ocean pollution. 
  • Friends of the Earth. This is a network of environmental organization campaigns for sustainable development, biodiversity conservation, and climate justice to influence policies at local, national, and international levels.
  • Rainforest Alliance. They are focused on forest conservation and sustainable agriculture and collaborate with businesses, governments, and communities to certify programs. 

Connect with Nature

Image of the sunset on the beach
Delight in the beauty of the sunset.

Additionally, spending time in nature is essential to forge a deeper connection with the environment, fostering appreciation for its value and significance. Spending time outdoors helps us stay active, fit, and healthy. Soak up the sunshine, breathe in the fresh air, and revel in the beauty of the great outdoors. And, if you are not able to go outside, studies show that gazing out a window or at a nature screen saver and listening to recordings of the sounds of nature can be as beneficial as being outdoors. Reconnecting with nature nurtures a deeper appreciation for our planet’s beauty and resilience. 

Eat More Plant-based Foods

When it comes to our diets, every bite is an opportunity to make a difference. By embracing plant-based foods, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint while promoting heart health. Buying locally sourced and seasonal foods supports local farmers and reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation and storage. 

Opt for Sustainable Seafood

Let’s embrace sustainably sourced and harvested seafood. Look for eco-certifications such as Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) labels, which indicate that the seafood was produced using environmentally responsible practices.

Reduce Food Waste

Picture of a neighborhood compost bin.
Community compost bin for drop-offs, downtown NYC

In our journey towards sustainability, we cannot overlook the critical issue of food waste. Every morsel of food that goes uneaten contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and exacerbates resource depletion. To combat this pressing challenge, let’s adopt mindful practices such as planning meals to use ingredients efficiently and storing leftovers properly to minimize waste. Additionally, composting food scraps provides a dual benefit–it not only diverts waste from landfills but also enriches the soil, nurturing the earth.

Grow Your Own Food

Picture of a woman tending to a community garden
Community gardening, downtown, NYC

Whether it’s cultivating vegetables, herbs, or fruits in your backyard, community plot, or nurturing a thriving garden on your balcony or windowsill, home gardening offers a multitude of benefits. Not only does it reduce our reliance on industrial agriculture, thereby curbing the environmental impact of transportation and packaging, but it also fosters a profound connection to nature. Gardening can elevate mood, promote a sense of calm, and rejuvenate our spirit. I swear by it!

Action Speaks Louder Than Words 

As we celebrate Earth Day, let’s not just pay lip service to sustainability–let’s live it. Choose eco-friendly products that align with our values and support companies that prioritize sustainability. And let’s whip up some plant-based recipes that tantalize the taste buds. But our commitment to the planet doesn’t stop there. GFL has also curated a few compelling short videos and a short book that shed light on pollution and the climate crisis.

GFL’s Curated Selection

Eco-friendly Products

  • Trader Joe's Canvas Totes
  • Camelbak black stainless steel and blue recycled material water bottles.
  • Gray countertop compost bin
  • Hand holding a paper Gurney's envelope of vegetable seeds

Plant-based Recipes

  • Plate of banana bread
  • Bowl of Meati chicken cutlet on top of salad

Watch and Read


So, fellow stewards of the Earth, are you ready to take action? Let’s commit to reducing waste, conserving energy, supporting sustainable practices, advocating for change, and nurturing our connection with nature. Together, we can be the change-makers our planet needs. Let’s embark on a journey of sustainable living that leaves a positive legacy for generations to come. The time to act is now.