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Gratitude in Action

Walk trail in a park
Appreciating nature. Image source: Francesca Alfieri, Italy

A stranger’s smile warmed my heart during one of my daily walks on a chilly autumn day. That same week, my husband and I encountered the kindest NYC bus driver. Despite the city’s harsh reputation, these simple gestures left an indelible imprint in my heart. As we approach the season of Thanksgiving, this post embarks on a journey to explore the profound impact of gratitude. It is not just a seasonal sentiment but a transformative force that shapes our well-being, relationships, and communities. Finally, GFL offers practical tips on cultivating gratitude year-round and provides ideas for contributing to meaningful causes through volunteering and charity giving.

Understanding Gratitude

Gratitude, like the changing colors of autumn, takes on various forms. In Positive Psychology, the experts define it as a trait, an emotion, and a mood that involves recognizing the positive aspects of life, feeling thankful, and acknowledging the kindness of others. In the spiritual context, it is the recognition of our blessings and a humble appreciation for divine grace. Over the last two decades, research in psychology, neuroscience, and sociology has shown measurable benefits of gratitude.

Infographic on the benefits of gratitude: provides happiness, improves physical,mental health, facilitates better sleep and well-being, strenghten self-control and helps career goals
Image source:

Gratitude’s Impact on Happiness:

In positive psychology, gratitude acts as a catalyst to unlocking happiness. Acts of kindness and expressing gratitude release dopamine and serotonin, fostering a sense of well-being and reducing stress. Furthermore, giving and receiving gratitude increases oxytocin levels, enhancing social bonds and trust. The size of the gesture doesn’t matter; every act contributes to building a more generous and connected community. 

Gratitude’s Role in Overall Health:

Beyond happiness, gratitude is linked to improved physical health. Studies indicate it can lead to better cardiovascular health,  more restful sleep, and reduced stress. Engaging in intentional prosocial behaviors can alleviate chronic physical pain by reducing the body’s inflammatory response

The Ripple Effect of Kindness:

Kindness begets kindness. Acts of goodwill create a ripple effect, inspiring others to pay it forward. A smile, a door held open, or a genuine compliment sets off a positive feedback loop, encouraging others to do the same. The impact of one small act may extend further than we realize.

Cultivating Gratitude:

Cultivating gratitude requires practice. In the ebb and flow of life’s daily grind, gratitude may not always come naturally. Challenges, dispositions, or mental health struggles can make it difficult to feel and show appreciation. However, intentional cultivation of gratitude, much like building muscle, becomes a practice requiring commitment.

GFL’s Practical Tips for Cultivating Gratitude:

  • Start a gratitude journal. Take a moment to note things you are grateful for. Reflect on why you are thankful, and watch as the habit grows. If you are not a writer, consider voice typing apps or voice memos. Try this exercise three times a week and progress to a daily routine. 
  • Use the G.L.A.D. tool. Answer prompts like something you are grateful for, something you learned, a small accomplishment, and something that brought you delight that day.
  • Leverage Gratitude Apps: Explore apps like Presently (Android), Delightful Journal (Android, iOS), Gratitude (Android, iOS), and more. 
  • Try mental subtraction. Imagine your life without a positive event and consider the benefits it has brought. Shift your focus back to the positive reality to enhance appreciation.
  • Embrace the abundance mindset. Redirect your focus from scarcity to abundance, being thankful for what you have. See the brighter side of challenging situations, fostering resilience through a positive outlook. 
  • Practice self-compassion. Extend the same kindness and understanding to yourself as you would to a dear friend in times of difficulty.

Simple ways to show others gratitude:

  • Begin and end each day with prayers of gratitude or meditation focusing on gratitude.
  • Express appreciation: thank others openly, complementing them for their efforts. Write thank you notes.
  • Check on your tribe: Let your family and friends know you are thinking of them via phone, text, email, or video chat.
  • Smile more: a genuine smile is a universal act of kindness that can brighten someone’s day.
  • Perform small acts of kindness for friends, family, or strangers daily.
Thank you notes drawn by students
Thank you notes from students.


Engaging in local volunteering opportunities is a beautiful way to foster a sense of community. Leverage your professional skills and life experiences to contribute to causes you are passionate about. Use platforms like VolunteerMatch to find the right fit for your skills and interests and explore the in-person and virtual opportunities. 

Bin and tray full of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches prepared by volunteers at The Bowery Mission
Meal service preparation by volunteers at The Bowery Mission.
Flyer for Relume Foundation: Tutors needed
Relume Foundation Flyer. Image source:


This time of year, there is an influx of fundraising campaigns, and the question arises: How do we choose the right charity? Navigating the sea of charitable organizations can be overwhelming and requires some research. Here are a few tips to consider for making informed decisions:

  • Find out where your donation money goes. Use ProPublica’s Form 990 lookup tool called Nonprofit Explorer. This form tells you about the organization’s program spending information, professional fundraising fees, executive compensation, and more. 
  • Understand IRS rules. Be aware when donating to a 501 (c) (3) or 501 (c) (4) organization. Donations to 501 (c) (4) are not tax-deductible. However, some non-profits are structured so you can donate to either the 501 (c) (3) or 501 (c) (4). The latter is dedicated to lobbying and advocacy activities of the organization.


As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, let’s not forget the magic of gratitude that can be woven into our everyday experiences. It’s a force that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. Whether through a smile, a kind word, or a small act of kindness, let’s embrace the spirit of gratitude when we give and receive, creating a tapestry woven with threads of appreciation, happiness, resilience, and interconnectedness.

6 responses to “Gratitude in Action”

  1. Funny we just talked about volunteering today. I find great joy in helping and assisting others; it brings me a sense of fulfillment. While I struggle to accept help, I genuinely enjoy offering support to those in need… whatever I can do to make other feel better, gives me so much happiness in return 🙂

    • Rosie, we share the passion of volunteering, finding the time in our busy lives to support a cause, build community, and enrich our lives. I know what you mean about the struggle to ask for help. However, a wise person once told me that you are allowing someone to support you by asking, which feels good to them. I’d be happy to help whenever you are in need.

  2. I’m grateful to have met you Gina Wong in my journey. A friend so in line with my way of feeling life. My photo, today the photo on your page connect us even if we are miles apart in feeling. Thank you Gina for choosing it and for the emotion of surprise and connection you gave me today! Kisse

    • Franci, I am so delighted to be part of your journey. Near or far, we will always have a connection, and that makes me gratefully happy.

  3. I’m so grateful for your friendship on WWF.
    Spending delightful days with you, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. 😋

    • Hi, Marge. I feel the same way. Playing with a genius like you is a pleasure any time of day, and I look forward to our Funtastic games. Thank you!