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Walking into Wellness

Image of 3 women and a dog under a flowering tree in a park.
Enjoying a long walk in Central Park.

Are you looking for a low-intensity, budget-friendly, and flexible fitness routine? Look no further than the simple act of walking. Walking is an exercise that you can do anytime and anywhere. As an avid walker, this GFL post is dedicated to exploring the many benefits of walking to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Get ready as we stroll through the world of walking, complete with practical tips and essential gear recommendations that you’ll need to hit the pavement, trails, or the treadmill.

Physical Benefits

Heart Health:

The media has long praised walking as a cornerstone of cardiovascular health. It gets your heart pumping, strengthens its muscles, enhances circulation, and helps regulate blood pressure. Research reveals that a moderate-intensity walking regimen of 20-40 minutes, three to five times per week, totaling 150 minutes per week, can reduce blood pressure. Moreover, in this observational study, for every 1,000 daily steps taken, systolic blood pressure decreases by 0.45 points, and for every 10,000 steps, it drops by 2.25 points.

Mitigates Risks of Heart Disease:

Walking isn’t just about lowering blood pressure; it’s also your ticket to a healthier heart. This American Heart Association study indicates that those who walk more have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and heart failure. For instance, individuals who walked 4,500 steps daily exhibited a remarkable 77% lower risk of experiencing a cardiovascular event than those who took fewer than 2,000 steps. Even the modest goal of adding 500 daily steps brings a 14% reduction in heart disease risks.

Weight Management and Combating Insulin Resistance:

Walking isn’t just about cardiovascular health; it’s a sustainable and safe way to increase metabolism for weight management and combating insulin resistance. This small study of obese women between 30-40 years old who did a walking program for 50-70 minutes 3 times per week for 4 months led to reduced belly fat and improved insulin resistance compared to the sedentary group. Furthermore, walking for 15 minutes a little above moderate intensity half an hour after each meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) improved blood sugar levels compared to 45 minutes of walking at other times, as observed in this small study. This walking regimen may particularly benefit older individuals who are more tolerant of shorter exercise doses and are better able to adhere to multiple frequencies regularly.

Muscles and Bones:

Walking engages various lower body muscle groups, from the glutes to calves and core. It not only strengthens these muscles but also maintains muscle mass. As a weight-bearing exercise, it’s your ally in preserving bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. The CDC recommends brisk walking for 150 minutes weekly, translating to just 30 minutes a day over four days.

Joint Health:

Walking is the joint-friendly exercise you’ve been searching for. This low-impact exercise is gentle on your knees and hips, even helping to prevent arthritis. Studies show that walking 5-6 miles per week can act as a barrier against joint pain. Additionally, in this research, the participants with lower body joint pain found that participants who walked an hour at moderate intensity each week were more likely to remain disability-free four years later.

Delaying the Onset of Varicose Veins:

By improving circulation, walking makes it less likely for varicose veins to form. And if you already have them, walking is an ideal way to stay active without causing undue stress on veins the way they might with more strenuous activities, according to cardiovascular experts.

Nurturing Your Mental and Emotional Well-being

Stress Reduction:

When life gets overwhelming, don’t reach for comfort food or a drink—take a walk instead. Walking can calm your mind, reduce anxiety, and release those feel-good endorphins. In fact, a study of young adults found that a mere brisk 10-minute walk can enhance mood while burning calories. 

Connectedness to Self and Nature:

Walking can help you feel more connected with yourself and your surroundings. Experts suggest you do mindful walking, an intentional practice where you fully pay attention to your breathing, body, and surroundings and let go of your worries and negative thoughts. Walk in a natural setting, such as a park, a forest, or a beach. Nature can have a soothing effect on your senses and help you feel more connected to yourself and the world. Meditative apps like Headspace or Calm can get you started. Some people find listening to music, a podcast, or an audiobook while walking distracts their minds from worries and negative thoughts.

Social Interaction:

Walking isn’t just a solo journey; it’s a chance for social interaction. Walk with friends, family, or join a walking group to promote accountability and foster social connections while strengthening your bodies.

Cognitive Benefits:

Beyond the physical and emotional perks, walking also opens up the free flow of ideas and increases creativity. It’s no wonder individuals who walked an hour during lunch reported heightened concentration and energy levels at work upon their return. Moreover, this large observational study found that those who walked around 9,800 steps daily were 51% less likely to develop dementia.

Improving Sleep:

Recent research shows that the more you walk, the better your sleep quality and sometimes duration. This relationship is particularly pronounced in women.

Walking 101: Essential Tips

You’ll need to consider these essentials to get on the right foot.

Walking Shoes:

Ensure your shoes are designed for walking—lightweight, breathable, and supportive. Adequate heel cushioning is essential for shock absorption.


Dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather. Layer up, wear sweat-wicking fabrics, and don’t forget your head and hands.


Stay hydrated by drinking before, during, and after your walk, especially on hot days.

Sun Protection:

Protect your skin with an SPF 30 or higher, even on overcast days. Hats and sunglasses with UV protection are also must-haves.

Set Goals:

Start slow and match the duration to your fitness level. The talk test is an excellent guide: if you can converse without panting, consider picking up the pace. Start with 20 minutes a day of moderate intensity walking and build it up until you reach 150 minutes per week.


Make walking more enjoyable. Listen to music or podcasts or explore scenic trails to elevate your walking experience. Walk with friends, family, or pets.

GFL Recommendations

Walking Shoes:

My favorite walking shoe is from Hoka, a brand known for its thick soles and ample cushioning. Hoka’s Bondi 8, renowned for plush support, is a personal favorite. Use their shoe finder to select the perfect fit for your needs. My daughter, an avid fast walker’s go-to for tireless walking, is Reebok Classic Leather for comfort and style. The stylish shoe provides adequate heel support and enough padding to enable shock absorption when walking the hard city streets.

Image of a walking shoe by Hoka
Hoka Bondi 8. Image source:
Image of leather walking shoe by Reebok.
Reebok Classic Leather. Image source:

Water Bottle:

After reading all the online reviews, the Nathan Exo-Shot 2.0 (14-ounce) will be my next purchase. It is light and collapsible option with an It is easy to carry with an ergonomically designed hand strap. The soft silicone bite valve allows you to drink without squeezing and an easy twist-lock cap that prevents spills. It is also easy to clean.

Image of collapsible water bottle, Nathan Exo-Shot 2.0
Nathan ExoShot 2.0. Image Source:


Protect your skin from sun rays by applying sunscreen with at least a SPF 30. Try Supergoop! Play Broad Spectrum SPF 50 Lotion for Face and Body. It is sweat and water-resistant for 80 minutes. Buy a size that easily fits into your fanny pack so you can reapply it. 

Image of Supergoop brand sunblock
Supergoop SPF 50 water and sweat resistant sunscreen. Image source:

Mini Fanny Pack:

The Patagonia Ultralight Blackhole Mini Hip Pack is compact, versatile, and stylish, perfect for carrying essentials on your walks. It fits essentials like a phone, keys, and a small tube of sunscreen.

Image of mini fanny pack, Patagonia Ultralight Blackhole Mini Hip Pack
Patagonia Ultralight Blackhole Mini Hip Pack: Image source:


Walking offers many physical benefits, from heart health to weight management and muscle and bone strength. It enhances mental and emotional wellness by reducing stress, encouraging mindfulness, improving sleep quality, and promoting social interaction. Walking stimulates cognitive function and creativity, and may even delay the onset of dementia. Start walking more, invest in comfortable gear, stay hydrated, and protect yourself from the sun. Make walking enjoyable, invite family and friends, or join a walking club and spice up your routine by listening to your favorite music and podcasts, and taking scenic routes.

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